Prophecies Series
Following a series of practices and mantras recommended by Ju Mipham Rinpoche,
among which are:
The Swift Infusion of Blessings
Prayer to Great Lion Gesar
Prayer to Noble Avalokitesvara
Prayer to Pacify the Fear of War
Prayer to Tara to Avert Obstructive Circumstances
In-depth teaching with
Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche & Michael Burroughs
Monday, October 14th, 2024 • 6:30 - 8 pm pacific time
In person and online.
Join Lama Lakshey and Michael Burroughs for a deeper look at Tibetan prophecies. As we learned in the first prophecy sessions, this important year can determine whether we head toward global disaster or not.
Guru yoga is the cornerstone of all vajrayana practice. In this case, the outer and inner guru appears as Gesar who also embodies Padmasambhava and the great bodhisattvas. As guru, Gesar is the source of all siddhi and blessings, opening our potential to benefit ourselves and others to the fullest. Guru Yoga is a profound practice. We will look at potential pitfalls and learn to use the outer guru as the means to realize the inner, secret guru, awakened awareness itself.
Gesar also manifests as a protector. Using these short prayers, we invoke the energy of Gesar to accomplish enlightened activities classified as pacifying, enriching, magnetizing, and subduing. The practice of the Great Perfection, is the pinnacle of the Ancient School. Lama Lakshey will explain how explain how to use the practice of Gesar to remove obstacles, deepen realization, and ultimately realize the truth of how things are.
We will use the prayers and practices by Ju Mipham Rinpoche.
Registration: $40 standard, $20 low income
Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche began his training as a spiritual master in Tibet, receiving the complete Khatok lineage empowerments and transmissions from Khatok Moktsa Rinpoche. At fifteen, he entered Larung Chokyi Drongkyer where he studied with
Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, and many other sublime teachers.
Michael Burroughs is a knowledgeable and articulate teacher. As one of the first western students of the great Tibetan lamas Penor Rinpoche, Gangteng Rinpoche of Bhutan, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, he brings a uncommon and vast array of understanding in a competent, yet humorous way.